
This picture is from the wedding booth in NYC! (:

Could things get any harder?! Okay for for awhile things were really great! I recently went to NYC for my cousin’s wedding and I totally danced the night away. Granted, I was a little sore from all the walking we did in NYC. However, I made it! I didn’t even get sick from all the travel which is likely with the time shift, stress, etc. But when I got back I guess it hit my like a ton of bricks and I did catch a mild cold. After it went away, I got my period (maybe TMI, but be patient with my story), and then I had a heat stroke! That’s right folks. As I was walking my dog in the middle of an especially muggy day, I passed out on a stranger’s porch. The kind stranger called an ambulance and 30 minutes later I was fully conscious and my vitals were normal. It was really strange! I went home and I just rested. I took it easy the rest of the week and I felt like I was getting back on track but then every time I would go out when it was too hot I would get light-headed again. I figured I must still be recovering. I was taking vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes like woah, and yet still I felt like I was run down! So I decided to contact my naturopath about it and she recommended I come in an get some IV fluids. I did over this past weekend and definitely felt a surge of energy but the next day I felt like I was still struggling. So, I decided to go to the ER with my  husband b/c I felt like I might pass out at any given moment. Of course, the blood tests came back normal and left us back to square one with a big question mark. So, I’m going to my naturopath today to figure out what the hell is going on. My naturopath told me it has to do with my endocrine system, the hormone system which executes bodily functions. I have had these overheating issues since I was 23 when I first moved out to San Diego 10 years ago by myself. It was a stressful event and I don’t know if my body has ever fully recovered since then. Ever since then it’s been down hill from there with some great inbetween moments. But I gotta tell you before the move, I was an energetic soul. I traveled the world and I could keep up with the best of them. So, I should have taken my health more seriously back then but I didn’t. Part of the reason I didn’t was, when I did go to the doctors they would give me temporary fixes and it never really helped in the long term so I thought I was just stuck with it. So I guess this a HUGE wake-up call b/c I wasn’t sure if I would wake up the next day. Sometimes it felt like I was dying, not that I could really describe what that feels like. Anyways, life has been a real struggle lately, just to even catch my breath. Makes you really appreciate the little moments, quite literally. Even though this has nothing do with my hip labral tear it has everything to do with it because it’s a big red flag for all of you to take care of your health as a whole and to appreciate all the little successes in life from being able to get out of bed in the morning to spending time with your loved ones. I realize how many things I have taken for granted! Wishing you all health and happiness as they are really two in one. 🙂 P.S. Forgive me if this blog is running on a tangent and isn’t as organized as my others. I barely had enough to concentration to write it! (;


  1. Hi,

    Thank you for creating this blog. I have read all of your postings. I have recently been diagnosed with a hip labrum tear. I am a 34 year old guy and have (had) been active all of my life. As I research this injury I become more and more nervous. It seems that for a majority of people it is the beginning of the end; the start of a new debilitating life. I too am trying to avoid surgery at all costs – the surgery just seems so gnarly/intense. I am grateful to people (such as yourself) who announce their experiences, because it provides the perception that I am not facing this alone. I hope the best for you. Please continue to chronicle your recovery efforts.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for your comment! I gotta tell you my hip is feeling good despite my heat stroke! I was about to join a dance class before this happened! It’s not as hard core as extreme sports but badass in a different way! I went to my naturopath and she thinks it has to do with my nervous system b/c I run on high stress and the heat stroke put me over the edge. I put some ice on my head b/c it felt swollen which is called brain edema which can cause the very light headededness I’ve been feeling. It helped significantly! However every time I look at sunlight my body seems to freak out and I get dizzy. So I just bought some bosweilla for inflammation and am thinking about oxygen therapy this weekend to help with recovery. I hope to write about it soon. (: thanks for reading & happy healing to you! Sending prayers your way…


  2. Hey there! CN18. I too suffered from a hip labral tear last September and I’ve been dealing with it ever since. I’m not sure it is the start of a new debilitating life, I will say it is a different life, and surely you have some limitations, but I think if you take it easy and let your body recover you will go back to some degree of normalcy, but it will take some time.

    I too searched blogs all across the internet and found very few stories from folks who either had hip labral tears, or shoulder labral tears and recovered, or live a normal life. They where few, but there were some. I really appreciate the time sohdayo has taken to create her blog as well. I come every now and then to see if there are updates as she is a bit ahead on this journey than I am 🙂

    Anyway, I’ve been going to water therapy and land therapy at least 4 times a week for the past 6 months, done massages at least once every two weeks and taken hot baths as frequent as my body needed them and level of general soreness. I can say I’ve definitely improved. I still can’t sit cross legged for instance (I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to), but I can stand for longer periods of time, walk for longer periods of time, sitting is now much better too!

    -Maribel C.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Sohdayo and Blogammer,

    Thanks for the replies. Not to talk about myself but; I am at 4 months from what I believe was the initial injury. My hip locked up. I was on full crutches for about 6 weeks. I am getting better, relatively speaking, but at first I thought for sure I needed surgery. It felt like my hip was in subluxation and needed to be reattached. I was investigating surgeons and was even preparing to fly to Colorado to visit with the top hip surgeon there. My insurance would cover everything so no worries with funding. I work for the government in I.T. so my day mostly consists of sitting in front of a computer – which I am able to tolerate, thankfully.

    This is exceptionally brutal for me because prior to the onset of symptoms I was running, hiking, drumming, boating, frolicking, etc.
    I try to tell myself, “maybe it was time to slow down anyways?”, but only my injured leg says stop while the rest of my body wants to go. I am still going to give it time. I believe in the body’s natural ability to heal, but many online threads mention that without surgical repair the hip (and possibly body) will develop degenerative compensations. Anyways, sorry to turn your nice, neat blog into a bit of a discussion forum, but as you may have noticed, the other internet sites and blogs really focus on surgery/recovery.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi CN18,
      I myself was on a cane off and on for about 6 months (embarrassing for a 33 year old female). For the first month of my injury I was bed ridden in pain. I couldn’t sleep for weeks without pumping myself with painkillers. I was miserable. Rolfing was probably the single most helpful thing in my recovery process which is soft tissue and postural work. So this helps with the source of the problems, your hip mechanics. If you do opt for surgery you will most likely develop arthritis. That’s just part of the deal. This is your journey and only you know what’s right for you. I’m happy with the choices I’ve made thus far. If you have not looked into Rolfing I highly recommend it. If I am not feeling like myself in another year I may opt for prolotherapy (injecting my own red blood cells to expedite healing blood flow). But I believe that the three year mark will be it for me based on my research and from talking with others as long as I stay on the healthy track. Continue to have courage and count your blessings big & small. Right now it seems like the end of your world and what you know of it but a new one will emerge with the right attitude. Thank you for reading & sharing your thoughts here! My prayers are with you! (: Lisa

      P.S. Thanks for chiming in Maribel!


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